After collecting feedback for months, one of the changes we heard most often was that our users wanted an improved (read: easier) process to start a pool and invite members.
So, we did just that!
Below, we’ll walk you through two processes — starting a pool, and populating it with your friends — starting with pool creation.
How To Start A New Pool
After you sign in to your account, the first step in pool creation is very easy.
Simply click the blue START A POOL button located at the top right of your screen. You’ll be directed to a fast-start page that includes the three most popular in-season game types. In the above case that would be: NFL Pick’em, NFL Survivor, and CFB Pick’em.
Say you want to check out our other offerings? Click the “See All Games” option to view a breakdown of all RYP’s games by sport, then by game type.
In the above example, we started an NFL Squares Pool.
How To Invite Members To Your Pool
The pool creation workflow will then take you to an Invite Members section, where you can — in one click — add connections (People) and friends you may know (Suggested), or invite members by way of their email addresses (Add Via Email), all easily.
You can also grab your Invite link for sharing outside the platform at this popup screen once you’ve finished your one-click invites.
When you’d like to add new members to your pool after you complete the pool creation process, you can do so, just as you have before — through your Commissioner Console. Click Invite Instructions, New, and then copy your Invite Link to share with whoever you’d like to play.
What Do Members See, After You Invite Them?
For those members you’ve invited who are already on the RYP platform, they’ll receive an invite in their “Join a pool” tab on their dashboard, where they can ACCEPT or DECLINE your invitation. It’ll look like this:
For those you add via email who are not on the platform, they’ll receive an email invitation to RYP so they can join at their leisure.
And there you have it!
If you have any more questions, drop us a comment below — and for more pressing matters, you can always email us at or click the chat icon in the bottom right corner of your dashboard.
Happy pickin’,
The Team at RYP